Wednesday, March 27, 2013

This week's sidebar poll: Are you going to look at T-Mobile for your next phone?


T-Mobile threw a whole lot of stuff at us when they unveiled their new "UnCarrier" Simple-Choice pricing models. While we're mostly excited to see a release date for the Galaxy S4, and existing customers are pretty amped about LTE, the rest of the announcement dealt with pricing and plans. Granted, your cellular plan and how much it costs you may not be the most glamorous thing to talk about, but it might be the most important.

We broke it down as best we can previously, but the quick and dirty version is that T-Mobile no longer ties the purchase of a phone to your plan, and offers up some great prices for the use of their network. There is a lot of potential to save money here, provided you can get good enough service from T-Mobile. And you won't know that until you check into it.

I get great T-Mobile service where I live and play, but for every person like me with good service, there is someone stuck on EDGE and cruising along on 2G data speeds. You need to look at coverage maps, talk to folks you know who are using or have tried T-Mobile's service in your area, and maybe even give that 14-day trial period a spin to find out how it would work for you. That sounds like a lot of hassle compared to just renewing the service you have and walking out with a shiny new Android phone.

Are you going to do it? T-Mobile is counting on you to try it, and your current carrier is counting on you not trying it. We thought it was best to ask. You'll find a poll in the sidebar to the right (or after the break). Let us know if you're going to give it a shot.

Before we end this, we have to look at the results from our last poll. 

Samsung Galaxy S4 or HTC One - which are you buying?

Poll results

A lot of folks look interested in the HTC One. We get it -- it's a hell of a phone. But the Galaxy S4 looks like an amazing phone as well. I have a feeling these results won't stand when both phones are available. I'll mark my calendar and revisit this one around the middle of July. 

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